t f u r

The Lounge Season 3 Episode 2 (Full Audio) ft. @NextByRaphael @chiggady @conFu_cious @AllegraDolores @dmjbasic @BGRZB @AvriBijon





  • The current U.S. Government Shutdown
  • Do you have a job or a career? Is the comfort of the money from a good job really worth passing up the uncertainty of starting a passionate career?
  • Forms of marriage. Is the traditional form of marriage dying? What's acceptable and unacceptable in today's relationships.
  • Traditional v justice of the peace. What's the purpose?
  • The evolution of “kickin it” in Chicago for the urban community: Is the club dying? The evolution of the day party. Why “we” now prefer bars. ask abby Etc.
  • download adobe photoshop cs6
  • Can Single Women ever really “win”? (When to realize it might be you)
  • Why is having a man consider a “win” for a woman?
  • Are women still defined by their marriage and child status?
  • Continuance on cuffing season: Who would you draft? Celebrities, athletes, talking heads etc
The next show will be: Sunday Oct. 27th 

The Lounge s3 e2 058 The Lounge s3 e2 057

