The Lounge Season 3 Episode 2 (Full Audio) ft. @NextByRaphael @chiggady @conFu_cious @AllegraDolores @dmjbasic @BGRZB @AvriBijon
Listen DOWNLOAD Topics: The current U.S. Government Shutdown Do you have a job or a career? Is the comfort of the money from a good job really worth passing up the uncertainty of starting a passionate career? Forms of marriage. Is the traditional form of marriage dying? What's acceptable and unacceptable in today's relationships. Traditional […]
Read moreThe Lounge 5/6/12 ft. @NextByRaphael @ChellzIsWinning @BGRZB @RummiKhan @SingleGrlSummer @Memobrown4 @iknowred
Listen:: Click Here Featured Topics: Presidential campaign. How do we feel at this point? & the reaction to Amy Romney’s Commercial Love/Hate: Social Network MCA from the Beastie Boys death and the effect the group had on Hip Hop. Has R&B gone POP? Online dating would you do it? Pros & Cons. Type of people […]
Read moreLRB Radio’s The Lounge Week 4 Re-Broadcast
Listen:: Click Here Topics: 2) The arrest of George Zimmerman: Is it enough 3) 99% vs 1%: Should the rich (and job-providers) pay more in taxes 4) Could you date someone with a past? ie stripper, porn star/sextape, smashed the homies etc 5) Types of People 6) Love/Hate: Movies that are […]
Read moreLRB Radio’s The Lounge Easter edition Re-Broadcast
Från händerna för att utforma ett bröllop är alltid fylld med en djup känsla av elegant smak. 2017-serien fäster stor vikt vid utformningen av fina rynkor, både i midjan kjol eller har veck moment föreligger att göra ännu mer elegant vitt siden Brudtärna klänning.
Read moreLeRockBox Radio presents… The Lounge 4/1/12 ft. @chiggady @NextByRaphael @PrideNJoy504 @kdotbeenhot @rummikhan
Listen:: click here Above is the complete Re-Broadcast of 4/1 ‘s The Lounge some of the topics covered: Hunger Games- Is it racism or something else? Addiction: Amy Winehouse death vs. Whitney Houston Love/Hate: Reality shows- The Kardashians etc Pt. 1 Obama: Is he doing a good job? Pt. 2 Republican Candidates: Thoughts Take It From […]
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