LRB || Music, Fashion, Culture...
New Video: Skrillex- First Of The Year (Equinox)
I posted this more for the video than the music, but both are dope.
New Music:: “Shadow Days” by John Mayer
New Music:: “DoYaThing” by Gorillaz ft. Andre 3000 & James Murphy
DOWNLOAD:: “DoYaThing” by Gorillaz ft. Andre 3000 & James Murphy
Music With A Message: Rahsaan Patterson

Rahsaan Patterson is the new celebrity ambassador for RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. To kick off his partnership with RAINN, the soul innovator has recorded an original song titled “Don’t Touch Me,” that will be used to raise money for the non-profit organization.
“I was sexually assaulted when I was 6-years-old and wasn’t able to share it with my family until I was 18-years-old. Looking back on it, I wish there was an organization like RAINN that I could have turned to for help with dealing with what happened to me,” said Patterson. “After 30 years I finally have an appreciation and love for myself that has been missing for most of my life. The most important thing for me at this point is to be able to communicate through music and art and help others. What happened was extremely traumatic and will forever be embedded in my mind and in my life. It’s nothing I can avoid so it’s really about accepting it, owning it and knowing that it’s happened but it doesn’t have to represent who I am for the rest of my life.”
Don’t Touch Me [RAINN] by RahsaanpattersonNew Music from Roc Nation artist Rita Ora “Party and Bullsh*t”
DOWNLOAD:: “Party & Bullsh*t” by Rita Ora
[audio:|titles=Party and Bullsh_t by Rita Ora]
Fashion: a Look inside Project Wooster…
This week LeRockBox was in full effect at PROJECT Las Vegas (Winter 2012-2013). If your in the fashion business there was a lot good product. Yet one Brand/collaborative-effort stood out the most, Project Wooster. Nick Wooster’s take on the American influenced Asia. The collection is well tailored classic Americana, camouflage & earth tone heavy, with a pop of color here and there. Check out the collection.